Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hospital Bon

Good News: the hospital has wireless.

Bad News: I'm in the hospital.

As one doctor in Prague suggested, my only cure may be a hospital visit to have antibiotics administered through an IV. And that is where I am. Except for two visitors I've had, my time here has been kind of boring. Then, about an hour ago, I discovered I can access the wireless here and now my time has changed. I'll write more when I'm more awake -- it's about 9:10 pm and I'm already sleepy.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Third Time's A Charm?

Prague is a backpacker's destination, so when people learn of my travels, the question of whether I've been to Prague often arises. Technically, yes, I've been to Prague but I haven't really seen much besides the clock tower, charles bridge, jewish cemetary and, my personal favorite, the museum of medieval torture. When I returned from my first trip there, someone asked me what I thought of the castle. My response was "castle? What castle?". Apparently, it was that big building I passed daily on my tram ride to and from the city. So, when I learned that I was being sent to Prague for the internship I just started (for an online travel portal for backpackers, feel free to check it out at, I was excited to see what I missed.

I came with high hopes which were, once again, quickly shattered by a bacterial infection in my throat. I arrived in Prague on a Saturday and on Sunday I awoke to find a painful lump the size of a golf ball under my throat that gave me a double chin. The rest of my time in Prague would be overshadowed by my throat, the infection had spread to my lymph nodes causing the ridiculous swelling. The rest of my time was spent either in the doctor's office, sleeping, sweating (had a fever for a couple days), writhing in pain in the common room of the hostel, or just being miserable because I had no energy to move.

For all you Prague-lovers out there, I'd love to hear what it is you love about that city so much. While during my first visit, I feel I got to know the Museum of Torture really well. This visit, I feel I got to know doctors and my hostel's common room really well.

As a final good piece of information, I did find out that since I was not able to do any of the work I was sent to do in Prague, I will be sent back there for a third time. Let's hope nothing bad happens this time...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Catch up Bon

There is a lot to catch everyone up on and I will try to do so quickly here. If I get my act together, I will later try to post more in depth updates.

I am back in Berlin, sitting in my apartment, happy that for the first time my landlady/roommate didn't unexpectedly wake me up at 10 am on a Saturday (that is extremely early for me on a weekend) to do some ridiculous type of cleaning (more on this in another post). The weather is looking better than it has been over the past couple days, where we've had nothing but rain. I am excited to see some friends tonight that I met in Casablanca and lastly, I'm glad because I, for the first time, have a small amount of income to look forward to (read: I'm finally getting my act together here).

This past week has been relatively productive. Last Friday, I interviewed for a English teaching position. This Monday, I got a tutoring position. This Thursday, I got a paid internship, which I will start this Monday. On top of that, I found a new apartment that I will move into in June in a neighborhood that I enjoy AND on top of all of that I got to see two colleagues from New York and fully enjoyed my brief but fun time catching up with them. The only downside to my week was that my camera broke and I have yet to fix it. I took lots of pictures in Poland and on the first of May (workers day -- stories to come from that) that I would like to post but I cannot access them yet on my camera.

That is my brief summary of the week. More to come soon-ish.