Jamey, Cara, and I are shortly back in Delhi today before heading out by bike early tomorrow morning for our first organic farm. The farm is located about 200+ km from Delhi and we're allowing ourselves three days to bike there, due to the amount of weight we plan on carrying. I don't have much info on the farm but, when I do, I will be sure to report back.
The rest of our stay in Rishikesh/Ramjhula/Lakshmanjhula was great and relaxing. Our accommodations were definitely a step down from our accommodations at the Ashram in Haridwar but, then again, we were staying in a room that cost only $2 a night for three people -- that's 67 cents per person per night-- and as you can see from the picture of our shared bathroom above, we got what we paid for. The perks were that our neighbors were two brothers, named Nico and Juanchi, from Argentina that we made friends with and a friendly stray dog that I may or may not have fallen in love with.

Here is a picture of the cow following Cara.
Lastly, the best discovery (in my opinion, of course) was finding out that some of the stray dogs in India are very friendly. They're especially friendly if you've given them food. They tend to like bread stuffs, such as Roti or Chapati and meat, which we never have. They don't tend to like peanut butter (what dog doesn't like peanut butter?!), fruits, or vegetables. Here is a picture of the dog that kept coming by

Besides being a great conversationalist (we talked about ALL kinds of things), she is very good at giving sad puppy eyes when I don't have food to give her. This is also the first self-portrait I have done with an animal. Tyra would be proud.
ha! this is just so good. you are a great humorist lady! the pics are perfect illustrations
ps i can't believe it's election eve at all which is keeping me up reading your blog cuz i can never sleep before trips, xmas (well used to not sleep for that one), and apparently major history-altering elections--- and YOU are in INDIA when the last time i saw you was our magical bicycle adventure summer sunday in new york! life has become strange and exciting eh?
The dog is totally modeling with her eyes...you, however, could use a little more fierceness!
Kelly! Man, that bicycle day was fun, I keep thinking about our fun on governers island and the frying pan and keep trying to forget that bicycle ticket we got that I forgot to pay (it ended up costing $85! what jerks). Anyways, i hope Cali is treating you well.
Andres, ugh, i know, i know. I probs would have been in the bottom two during elimination round and that bitch next to me in the pic would have totally been the first pic. I'm may-jah-ly jealous.
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