We're heading to Nepal tomorrow to meet up with Anthony, our 4th and finally friend on this trip. According to our calculations, it will take us at least 20 hours (possibly more) to reach Kathmandu from Delhi. We'll be taking a train from Delhi to a town close to the Nepal-India border. From there we will be taking a bus three hours to the border and there we will transfer to another bus that will bring us to Kathmandu in 9 - 12 hours. We plan on being in Nepal for a month, so, I must forewarn you now that I will be posting even less often, as we probably will have little to no internet access from November 15 - December 15.

Our trip to our first farm was, as I may have mentioned earlier, by far the biggest learning experience yet. We stayed with a wonderful family that welcomed us kindly into their house but had very different opinions on life than us. The main difference that was hardest for me to accept was that my role on the farm was confined to the kitchen. I believe, from the other picture I stole off of Cara's computer, that I am peeling garlic above. However, I could easily be found peeling potatoes, chopping onions (my least favorite since they make me cry easily), sifting through wheat, or making tea (I'm good at that). Oh, I'm also good at setting the table and filling the water jug.
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